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<?php namespace RedBeanPHP; /** * QueryWriter * Interface for QueryWriters. * Describes the API for a QueryWriter. * * Terminology: * * - beautified property (a camelCased property, has to be converted first) * - beautified type (a camelCased type, has to be converted first) * - type (a bean type, corresponds directly to a table) * - property (a bean property, corresponds directly to a column) * - table (a checked and quoted type, ready for use in a query) * - column (a checked and quoted property, ready for use in query) * - tableNoQ (same as type, but in context of a database operation) * - columnNoQ (same as property, but in context of a database operation) * * @file RedBeanPHP/QueryWriter.php * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP community * @license BSD/GPLv2 * * @copyright * copyright (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community. * This source file is subject to the BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled * with this source code in the file license.txt. */ interface QueryWriter { /** * SQL filter constants */ const C_SQLFILTER_READ = 'r'; const C_SQLFILTER_WRITE = 'w'; /** * Query Writer constants. */ const C_SQLSTATE_NO_SUCH_TABLE = 1; const C_SQLSTATE_NO_SUCH_COLUMN = 2; const C_SQLSTATE_INTEGRITY_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION = 3; const C_SQLSTATE_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 4; /** * Define data type regions * * 00 - 80: normal data types * 80 - 99: special data types, only scan/code if requested * 99 : specified by user, don't change */ const C_DATATYPE_RANGE_SPECIAL = 80; const C_DATATYPE_RANGE_SPECIFIED = 99; /** * Define GLUE types for use with glueSQLCondition methods. * Determines how to prefix a snippet of SQL before appending it * to other SQL (or integrating it, mixing it otherwise). * * WHERE - glue as WHERE condition * AND - glue as AND condition */ const C_GLUE_WHERE = 1; const C_GLUE_AND = 2; /** * CTE Select Snippet * Constants specifying select snippets for CTE queries */ const C_CTE_SELECT_NORMAL = FALSE; const C_CTE_SELECT_COUNT = TRUE; /** * Parses an sql string to create joins if needed. * * For instance with $type = 'book' and $sql = ' LIKE ? OR @joined.detail.title LIKE ? ' * parseJoin will return the following SQL: * ' LEFT JOIN `author` ON `author`.id = `book`.author_id * LEFT JOIN `detail` ON `detail`.id = `book`.detail_id * WHERE LIKE ? OR detail.title LIKE ? ' * * @note this feature requires Narrow Field Mode to be activated (default). * * @note A default implementation is available in AQueryWriter * unless a database uses very different SQL this should suffice. * * @param string $type the source type for the join * @param string $sql the sql string to be parsed * * @return string */ public function parseJoin( $type, $sql ); /** * Writes an SQL Snippet for a JOIN, returns the * SQL snippet string. * * @note A default implementation is available in AQueryWriter * unless a database uses very different SQL this should suffice. * * @param string $type source type * @param string $targetType target type (type to join) * @param string $leftRight type of join (possible: 'LEFT', 'RIGHT' or 'INNER') * @param string $joinType relation between joined tables (possible: 'parent', 'own', 'shared') * @param boolean $firstOfChain is it the join of a chain (or the only join) * @param string $suffix suffix to add for aliasing tables (for joining same table multiple times) * * @return string */ public function writeJoin( $type, $targetType, $leftRight, $joinType, $firstOfChain, $suffix ); /** * Glues an SQL snippet to the beginning of a WHERE clause. * This ensures users don't have to add WHERE to their query snippets. * * The snippet gets prefixed with WHERE or AND * if it starts with a condition. * * If the snippet does NOT start with a condition (or this function thinks so) * the snippet is returned as-is. * * The GLUE type determines the prefix: * * * NONE prefixes with WHERE * * WHERE prefixes with WHERE and replaces AND if snippets starts with AND * * AND prefixes with AND * * This method will never replace WHERE with AND since a snippet should never * begin with WHERE in the first place. OR is not supported. * * Only a limited set of clauses will be recognized as non-conditions. * For instance beginning a snippet with complex statements like JOIN or UNION * will not work. This is too complex for use in a snippet. * * @note A default implementation is available in AQueryWriter * unless a database uses very different SQL this should suffice. * * @param string $sql SQL Snippet * @param integer|NULL $glue the GLUE type - how to glue (C_GLUE_WHERE or C_GLUE_AND) * * @return string */ public function glueSQLCondition( $sql, $glue = NULL ); /** * Determines if there is a LIMIT 1 clause in the SQL. * If not, it will add a LIMIT 1. (used for findOne). * * @note A default implementation is available in AQueryWriter * unless a database uses very different SQL this should suffice. * * @param string $sql query to scan and adjust * * @return string */ public function glueLimitOne( $sql ); /** * Returns the tables that are in the database. * * @return array */ public function getTables(); /** * This method will create a table for the bean. * This methods accepts a type and infers the corresponding table name. * * @param string $type type of bean you want to create a table for * * @return void */ public function createTable( $type ); /** * Returns an array containing all the columns of the specified type. * The format of the return array looks like this: * $field => $type where $field is the name of the column and $type * is a database specific description of the datatype. * * This methods accepts a type and infers the corresponding table name. * * @param string $type type of bean you want to obtain a column list of * * @return array */ public function getColumns( $type ); /** * Returns the Column Type Code (integer) that corresponds * to the given value type. This method is used to determine the minimum * column type required to represent the given value. There are two modes of * operation: with or without special types. Scanning without special types * requires the second parameter to be set to FALSE. This is useful when the * column has already been created and prevents it from being modified to * an incompatible type leading to data loss. Special types will be taken * into account when a column does not exist yet (parameter is then set to TRUE). * * Special column types are determines by the AQueryWriter constant * C_DATA_TYPE_ONLY_IF_NOT_EXISTS (usually 80). Another 'very special' type is type * C_DATA_TYPE_MANUAL (usually 99) which represents a user specified type. Although * no special treatment has been associated with the latter for now. * * @param mixed $value value * @param boolean $alsoScanSpecialForTypes take special types into account * * @return integer */ public function scanType( $value, $alsoScanSpecialForTypes = FALSE ); /** * This method will add a column to a table. * This methods accepts a type and infers the corresponding table name. * * @param string $type name of the table * @param string $column name of the column * @param integer $field data type for field * * @return void */ public function addColumn( $type, $column, $field ); /** * Returns the Type Code for a Column Description. * Given an SQL column description this method will return the corresponding * code for the writer. If the include specials flag is set it will also * return codes for special columns. Otherwise special columns will be identified * as specified columns. * * @param string $typedescription description * @param boolean $includeSpecials whether you want to get codes for special columns as well * * @return integer */ public function code( $typedescription, $includeSpecials = FALSE ); /** * This method will widen the column to the specified data type. * This methods accepts a type and infers the corresponding table name. * * @param string $type type / table that needs to be adjusted * @param string $column column that needs to be altered * @param integer $datatype target data type * * @return void */ public function widenColumn( $type, $column, $datatype ); /** * Selects records from the database. * This methods selects the records from the database that match the specified * type, conditions (optional) and additional SQL snippet (optional). * * @param string $type name of the table you want to query * @param array $conditions criteria ( $column => array( $values ) ) * @param string|NULL $addSql additional SQL snippet * @param array $bindings bindings for SQL snippet * * @return array */ public function queryRecord( $type, $conditions = array(), $addSql = NULL, $bindings = array() ); /** * Selects records from the database and returns a cursor. * This methods selects the records from the database that match the specified * type, conditions (optional) and additional SQL snippet (optional). * * @param string $type name of the table you want to query * @param array $conditions criteria ( $column => array( $values ) ) * @param string|NULL $addSql additional SQL snippet * @param array $bindings bindings for SQL snippet * * @return Cursor */ public function queryRecordWithCursor( $type, $addSql = NULL, $bindings = array() ); /** * Returns records through an intermediate type. This method is used to obtain records using a link table and * allows the SQL snippets to reference columns in the link table for additional filtering or ordering. * * @param string $sourceType source type, the reference type you want to use to fetch related items on the other side * @param string $destType destination type, the target type you want to get beans of * @param mixed $linkID ID to use for the link table * @param string $addSql Additional SQL snippet * @param array $bindings Bindings for SQL snippet * * @return array */ public function queryRecordRelated( $sourceType, $destType, $linkID, $addSql = '', $bindings = array() ); /** * Returns the row that links $sourceType $sourceID to $destType $destID in an N-M relation. * * @param string $sourceType source type, the first part of the link you're looking for * @param string $destType destination type, the second part of the link you're looking for * @param string $sourceID ID for the source * @param string $destID ID for the destination * * @return array|null */ public function queryRecordLink( $sourceType, $destType, $sourceID, $destID ); /** * Counts the number of records in the database that match the * conditions and additional SQL. * * @param string $type name of the table you want to query * @param array $conditions criteria ( $column => array( $values ) ) * @param string|NULL $addSql additional SQL snippet * @param array $bindings bindings for SQL snippet * * @return integer */ public function queryRecordCount( $type, $conditions = array(), $addSql = NULL, $bindings = array() ); /** * Returns the number of records linked through $linkType and satisfying the SQL in $addSQL/$bindings. * * @param string $sourceType source type * @param string $targetType the thing you want to count * @param mixed $linkID the of the source type * @param string $addSQL additional SQL snippet * @param array $bindings bindings for SQL snippet * * @return integer */ public function queryRecordCountRelated( $sourceType, $targetType, $linkID, $addSQL = '', $bindings = array() ); /** * Returns all rows of specified type that have been tagged with one of the * strings in the specified tag list array. * * Note that the additional SQL snippet can only be used for pagination, * the SQL snippet will be appended to the end of the query. * * @param string $type the bean type you want to query * @param array $tagList an array of strings, each string containing a tag title * @param boolean $all if TRUE only return records that have been associated with ALL the tags in the list * @param string $addSql addition SQL snippet, for pagination * @param array $bindings parameter bindings for additional SQL snippet * * @return array */ public function queryTagged( $type, $tagList, $all = FALSE, $addSql = '', $bindings = array() ); /** * Like queryTagged but only counts. * * @param string $type the bean type you want to query * @param array $tagList an array of strings, each string containing a tag title * @param boolean $all if TRUE only return records that have been associated with ALL the tags in the list * @param string $addSql addition SQL snippet, for pagination * @param array $bindings parameter bindings for additional SQL snippet * * @return integer */ public function queryCountTagged( $type, $tagList, $all = FALSE, $addSql = '', $bindings = array() ); /** * Returns all parent rows or child rows of a specified row. * Given a type specifier and a primary key id, this method returns either all child rows * as defined by having <type>_id = id or all parent rows as defined per id = <type>_id * taking into account an optional SQL snippet along with parameters. * * The $select parameter can be used to adjust the select snippet of the query. * Possible values are: C_CTE_SELECT_NORMAL (just select all columns, default), C_CTE_SELECT_COUNT * (count rows) used for countParents and countChildren functions - or you can specify a * string yourself like 'count(distinct brand)'. * * @param string $type the bean type you want to query rows for * @param integer $id id of the reference row * @param boolean $up TRUE to query parent rows, FALSE to query child rows * @param string|NULL $addSql optional SQL snippet to embed in the query * @param array $bindings parameter bindings for additional SQL snippet * @param bool $select Select Snippet to use when querying (optional) * * @return array */ public function queryRecursiveCommonTableExpression( $type, $id, $up = TRUE, $addSql = NULL, $bindings = array(), $select = QueryWriter::C_CTE_SELECT_NORMAL ); /** * This method should update (or insert a record), it takes * a table name, a list of update values ( $field => $value ) and an * primary key ID (optional). If no primary key ID is provided, an * INSERT will take place. * Returns the new ID. * This methods accepts a type and infers the corresponding table name. * * @param string $type name of the table to update * @param array $updatevalues list of update values * @param integer|NULL $id optional primary key ID value * * @return integer */ public function updateRecord( $type, $updatevalues, $id = NULL ); /** * Deletes records from the database. * @note $addSql is always prefixed with ' WHERE ' or ' AND .' * * @param string $type name of the table you want to query * @param array $conditions criteria ( $column => array( $values ) ) * @param string $addSql additional SQL * @param array $bindings bindings * * @return int */ public function deleteRecord( $type, $conditions = array(), $addSql = '', $bindings = array() ); /** * Deletes all links between $sourceType and $destType in an N-M relation. * * @param string $sourceType source type * @param string $destType destination type * @param string $sourceID source ID * * @return void */ public function deleteRelations( $sourceType, $destType, $sourceID ); /** * @see QueryWriter::addUniqueConstraint */ public function addUniqueIndex( $type, $columns ); /** * This method will add a UNIQUE constraint index to a table on columns $columns. * This methods accepts a type and infers the corresponding table name. * * @param string $type target bean type * @param array $columnsPartOfIndex columns to include in index * * @return void */ public function addUniqueConstraint( $type, $columns ); /** * This method will check whether the SQL state is in the list of specified states * and returns TRUE if it does appear in this list or FALSE if it * does not. The purpose of this method is to translate the database specific state to * a one of the constants defined in this class and then check whether it is in the list * of standard states provided. * * @param string $state SQL state to consider * @param array $list list of standardized SQL state constants to check against * @param array $extraDriverDetails Some databases communicate state information in a driver-specific format * rather than through the main sqlState code. For those databases, this extra * information can be used to determine the standardized state * * @return boolean */ public function sqlStateIn( $state, $list, $extraDriverDetails = array() ); /** * This method will remove all beans of a certain type. * This methods accepts a type and infers the corresponding table name. * * @param string $type bean type * * @return void */ public function wipe( $type ); /** * This method will add a foreign key from type and field to * target type and target field. * The foreign key is created without an action. On delete/update * no action will be triggered. The FK is only used to allow database * tools to generate pretty diagrams and to make it easy to add actions * later on. * This methods accepts a type and infers the corresponding table name. * * * @param string $type type that will have a foreign key field * @param string $targetType points to this type * @param string $property field that contains the foreign key value * @param string $targetProperty field where the fk points to * @param bool $isDep whether target is dependent and should cascade on update/delete * * @return void */ public function addFK( $type, $targetType, $property, $targetProperty, $isDep = FALSE ); /** * This method will add an index to a type and field with name * $name. * This methods accepts a type and infers the corresponding table name. * * @param string $type type to add index to * @param string $name name of the new index * @param string $property field to index * * @return void */ public function addIndex( $type, $name, $property ); /** * Checks and filters a database structure element like a table of column * for safe use in a query. A database structure has to conform to the * RedBeanPHP DB security policy which basically means only alphanumeric * symbols are allowed. This security policy is more strict than conventional * SQL policies and does therefore not require database specific escaping rules. * * @param string $databaseStructure name of the column/table to check * @param boolean $noQuotes TRUE to NOT put backticks or quotes around the string * * @return string */ public function esc( $databaseStructure, $dontQuote = FALSE ); /** * Removes all tables and views from the database. * * @return void */ public function wipeAll(); /** * Renames an association. For instance if you would like to refer to * album_song as: track you can specify this by calling this method like: * * <code> * renameAssociation('album_song','track') * </code> * * This allows: * * <code> * $album->sharedSong * </code> * * to add/retrieve beans from track instead of album_song. * Also works for exportAll(). * * This method also accepts a single associative array as * its first argument. * * @param string|array $fromType original type name, or array * @param string $toType new type name (only if 1st argument is string) * * @return void */ public function renameAssocTable( $fromType, $toType = NULL ); /** * Returns the format for link tables. * Given an array containing two type names this method returns the * name of the link table to be used to store and retrieve * association records. For instance, given two types: person and * project, the corresponding link table might be: 'person_project'. * * @param array $types two types array($type1, $type2) * * @return string */ public function getAssocTable( $types ); }